Rap Lyrics by
Mary Laura Hall Pierce

Well, we've made it to the big 5 - 0
Long on bills and short on dough

And here we are from PHS
All gussied up and lookin' our best

Who'd-a-thought at Reunion 50
We'd feel so good and look so nifty?

Remember the past and all the fun we had?
Wasn't all good, but it wasn't all bad.

Greetin' old friends with a"howdy-do
& thinkin', "Do I look as old as you?"

Getting older ain't half bad,
It's the baggage it brings that makes me sad.

My face is sagging & So.'s my fanny,
But I'm in good shape for a Senior Granny.

My eyes are weak, have a stig-ma-tism,
My body's all riddled with rheu-ma-tism.

My memory's gone plumb out the door.
Can't sleep so good because I snore.

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
My mama's face lookin' back at me!

My hearing's bad and my teeth are few.
I had ONE chin, & now I have TWO!

My toes curl up an my back is bent.
On wrinkle cream I've spent a mint.

But about all this I will not fret,
Cause the older I am, the better I get.

And thanks to you, my good friends,
I'm just so happy I've got the grins.

Have I sung this rap in my 5 minutes?
If so, to this I'll end and finis(h)

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